I just draw things I like.

Age 27, Male

Graphic Design,

is my passion.

Joined on 8/20/13

Exp Points:
2,504 / 2,840
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.75 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
3y 9m 7d

Blaznthekid's News

Posted by Blaznthekid - December 27th, 2024

2024 - Recap

Another year, Another yearly Recap! I hope everyone had a good time over the Holidays. Let's see what's changed (hopefully for the better) this time around!

1 - Art and Collabs!:

I definitely made a more active effort in joining collabs than in the previous years.

  • This year I also participated in Artfight for the very first time on Team Seafoam! Hopefully I can do a lot more next time around!

  • I updated my OC design and I finally made my Apoidea Villains! Really gotta do something with these guys, at least make a doc or something I swear.



  • I made my first James Randal animation this year! Took a lot longer than I expected due to some family stuff I had to take care of, but it's finished, I'm fairly happy with it, and I hope that it becomes a good lesson to learn from and I can keep making better cartoons for next year!

  • Managed to make a submission to the Sketch Collab this year too! Always a blast to see everyone's work, and a big thank you to midgetsausage for putting this together!

hosted by @midgetsausage

  • IT'S OUT AND WE CAN TALK ABOUT IT AND KOLUMBO WON'T BREAK MY KNEECAPS! A Charlie Brown Christmas Reanimated was a great collab to be a part of. My only wish is that I should've been a lot more efficient on my end. Everyone did a phenomenal job and I really am glad to have had a hand in this. Again massive thank you to Kolumbo for organizing the whole thing!




  • We got the Kart Kollab, Newgrounds Bug Collab, and the Subspace Emissary Collab! I tried to do things a bit differently than what I was used to (like using Aseprite for the Bug Collab) but I'm super grateful to be a part of each of these!

hosted by @53xy83457 - Thread

hosted by @Frosty

hosted by @DALAP - Thread

  • Also this year I participated in Pirate Software's 14th Gamejam with my group's game: Think of the Shareholders! It was my first time doing art for a game and I learned a whole lot on this project. If I do continue to do art for some games in the future, I hope that it'll meet and beat expectations!

I also help out over on @FountainsPenProductions! I've done some promo art for them and helped with some animations too, go check them out!

Whew! 10+ Collabs sure is a lot! I want to thank all of the Organizers for each of the collabs for doing an amazing job! Here's hoping for even more collabs for next year!

2 - 2024's Goals Completed:

  • Art Improvement: I'd like to think that this year my art has improved, just not in any drastic way. Looking at my art for this year, I've just about matched the amount of output I did for last year which is alright to say the least. Obviously I would've much preferred to have done a lot more, but with some personal stuff going on and poor time management that goal wasn't reached in the way I would have preferred. Still a win technically, and all I can do is strive to improve, bit by bit. Check.

  • Other Creative Pursuits: Check. Like I mentioned previously, I joined a gamejam and worked on the art for a small game. I also redid the art to another game from the same programmer, but it's only on itch at the moment. I really do want to make a game on my own but for now this goal is reached and but hopefully next year I can cross it off the list for real.

  • Original Art and Stories: I've done a few original pieces of art, but nothing that I would really pin down as original original. Failed to meet this goal for now, but I think I'm in a much better position to properly tackle this going into 2025.

  • Streaming on Twitch: According to the Twitch Recap, I've streamed 25 hours this year. Honestly a lot of this year and last year kinda blurred together for me so I'll take it. What I need to do is make a proper streaming schedule to follow and a list of projects that I'm comfortable to stream on the art side of things. I have a weird thing of not wanting to show work/WIPs in fear of ruining surprises or that it being a surprise is better than the work itself. But working on the Charlie Brown Reanimated has taught me anything it's to not worry about that at all. (If you're working on something ESPECIALLY A GROUP/COLLAB PROJECT just share the damn thing, get feedback, and WORK WITH THE PEOPLE WHO ARE IN THE SAME BOAT AS YOU!). There's no NDA (atm) for these things, so it's nothing to worry about. Check?

  • Newgrounds Events: I managed to join something around 10 collabs this year and hopefully will have the time to do the same for next year! Check!

  • Professional work: Looking for work has sucked through and through. Atm I have some temporary work, but once it's over, I'm not really to sure where to go from there. I trying my best to figure something out, but I do feel a sense of unease and uncertainty when it comes to finding and securing work. I suppose everyone feels the same way, but I hope that we all can find some secure work and keep making what we want to make.

Total: 4/6, acceptable. Gonna make a game plan for the new year so I can truly blow these out of the water

3 - 2025 PLANNING:

  • Mission Objective: Survive: Mostly a joke but I do mean surviving mentally and physically. I hope the new year is kind to everyone and that we can put our best foot forward and be better than we were yesterday!

  • More Art and other creative projects: Increasing my art and I mean this in the most generous way possible. Not in a way where I function as a sweatshop, but becoming more consistent with my uploads here - be it art, animation, or games.

  • Some sense of time management: I did make a little spreadsheet to track projects, dates, completion, etc. Hopefully I can utilize that and work in a way that doesn't burn me out.

  • ORIGINAL STORIES FOR SURE: THIS TIME FOR SURE, THIS I SWEAR. I think I fall into the trap of being uneasy with my ideas. "Oh it's not ready to show yet". I oughta bite the bullet and just make the stories I have, there's hardly ever a reason that would prevent me from going back and taking another crack at it. The story just needs to exist and be out there first, any revisions can happen after the fact.

  • Socialize: I feel as though I don't socialize too much among the community, which is probably true. I tried to make an active effort earlier in the year but fear that I kind of receded back into my more introverted space towards the end of the year. I hope to break out of that shell and be a bit more social and present with you guys.

  • Self-Study: Both in art and in life, while trying to plan ahead for the future I was looking into some tests and certifications that I may go for. Hoping to improve either my art skills or professional development in whatever form that might take.

  • Twitch Streaming: Making a consistent schedule is tough, I like to procrastinate and I manage my time inefficiently. Hopefully I have the free time to just slot out 2-3 hours for a few days to just draw and hangout.

  • Newgrounds Events/Collab: More Newgrounds Collabs, really want to keep this streak going and work with the amazing people here!

  • Work?: Not too sure on the future of this one, hopefully I can find some secure form of work that still gives me the time and freedom to make something creative on the side.

Also as of writing this I hit 217 fans!


Thank you guys so much for literally everything! It means a lot to me that you guys like the kind of work that I put out, and I hope I can keep surprising/impressing/showing you art that I really want to make!

Wishing you all a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

See y'all in 2025!



Posted by Blaznthekid - June 24th, 2024

Wow! Didn't expect to get User of the Day!


Just wanted to thank the Newgrounds community for everything! I feel like I've improved as an artist over the years and a lot of that is from joining the cool events and collabs hosted by you guys!

Also been a little slow on posting new stuff, but I am working on something that I hope to get out by the end of the month. Thanks again for everything and looking forward to sharing new stuff with everyone!



Posted by Blaznthekid - January 12th, 2024

100 Fan Milestone!


Just crossed over 100 fans recently and wanted to thank everyone! It means a lot to me that you find something I do interesting and I hope that I can keep on making things for y'all to enjoy. Hope everyone's doing well and that we can all do our best this year with making the things we'd want to see.

Wishing the best for you guys, keep on creating.



Posted by Blaznthekid - December 24th, 2023

2023 - Recap

With the end of the year approaching, it's time for another Recap! I'm gonna be running down some of the things from last year's list too to see if I kept up with those promises, as well as updating what I HAVE done this past year.

First, Art and Collabs!:

  • Around the beginning of the year, I started to try my hand a bit more with collabs to try to get comfortable making different projects and working with groups. The first one being The Friendly Frog Collab, I made a lil' pacman frog chompin' to get more animation practice in.

  • Similar to last year, I did another redraw from old work I found (that shouldn't see the light of day) to see personal improvement. I drew a Sceptile back in 2015 for a DeviantArt pokemon collab, and did the redraw in April:

  • There was the Eddsworld 20th Anniversary Charity Art Contest that I made a submission for. Eddsworld meant a lot to me growing up, it was the thing my friends and I bonded over at school, and it's one of the main reasons I started becoming more interested in art and animation.

(And if I remember right when I was making this, I believe I made it so if you basically took a line and went over the image from left to right, all the characters show up (loosely) in episode appearance order)

  • This one's a pretty big milestone for me, I was commissioned for some streamer merch design work! If you've seen some of my art posts, I've made some GTA V roleplay fanart. A few twitch streamers I watched started playing and I got hooked and found a lot of different communities. And after posting a bit of them, over the summer one of the streamers I watch, Spaceboy, was interested and reached out to me to do a few designs for his merch!

(Spaceboy Merch)


(Also on a pretty personal but jokey note, both times I was approached; I had genuinely thought of dropping art completely moments before being messaged)


Whew! I think that should cover just about everything, now onto:

Second, 2023's Goals Completed

  • Draw more Original Art (Technically Beat?): Looking at my art page, I technically have more original art than fan art, but only by a slim margin.

  • Work on Improving my Artwork (50/50): I think I improved in some areas, I think my backgrounds have gotten slightly better (because they're not just a single solid color) and animation-wise I'm starting to shake off the 'doing it wrong mentality' and am much more willing to experiment trying to get something to look how I want. Overall it feels like only slight improvements, but progress is progress.

  • Work on/Properly flesh out some stories (Mission Failed, we'll get em' again next time)

  • Stream more on Twitch (Complete): I've been streaming on twitch to get comfortable sharing my work/WIPs, and also as a way to get used to being more open online/social media.

  • Getting more involved with the Newgrounds Community (Complete): I managed to join and complete way more collabs than last year, and plan to keep up that trend. I've also posted a bit more in the forums than previously.

Overall? 3.5/5 isn't too bad, but I hope to up that for next year.

Speaking of:

Third, 2024 - Planning

  • Art Improvement: Always try to be just a bit better than last year, more self-study and accepting being uncomfortable with a new approach. And after that struggle I'll have a better understanding of what I'm missing and can make better work.

  • Other creative pursuits: I've been thinking of learning about making games as another type of project to work on. It was the kind of pipe-dream thing different friends of mine would think up throughout the years. Maybe it's time to finally act on that.

  • Original Art & Stories (for the love of God): Man I seriously need to up original works. I didn't fully check out how much I haven't done in my art page until recently, and I do not nearly have as much I thought I did for this year. I've been working through some mental health stuff and believe I'm in a better head space to make things, and hopefully make them consistently.

  • Keep Streaming: Streaming on twitch helps me stay focused on certain tasks and I plan to continue doing that for the following year. Stop by if you want to chat or just hang out.

  • More Newgrounds Events: If those doors are open, I'm walking in. A lot of the collabs I recently joined have been a lot of fun and hopefully there'll be more for me to join in the future.

  • Professional Work: I've been looking for full-time work and haven't been having the best time. Hopefully I'm able to keep making things in my spare time or better yet, find work related to art, I'm not too sure what will happen with this in the future, but here's hoping.

Also wanted to say I hit 62 fans as of this moment! Thanks for enjoying the stuff I make, and I hope that next year I'll have even better things to show!

Thanks for checking out this post and enjoying my art, it means a lot.

Wish you all the best,

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year Everyone!



Posted by Blaznthekid - January 9th, 2023

Think I've got most of my twitch stuff set up. Gonna be working on some old ideas, feel free to stop by and say hi!

[Twitch Link]


Posted by Blaznthekid - December 27th, 2022

2022 - Recap

Only a few days left until the year ends, so I wanted to make a post and reflect on some of the things I managed to accomplish this year. In May, I graduated from college but since then I've kinda been a little lost. However, all there really is to do is just keep on going, one step at a time. Drastic improvements are rare and progress always beats stagnation. Speaking of, here's some of the things I've gotten done:

  • Mini-goal of drawing/uploading more than last year was beat.

  • Redrew art from 4 years ago which help shows where I've improved.

  • I managed to make 2 shorts this year, Creative Struggle and Apoidea! I want to thank @acxle and @TenodiBoris for letting me use their songs, and @LuckyDee who did an amazing job narrating Creative Struggle, which got frontpaged and the Daily 3rd! I do want to mention that Apoidea, which was in truth rushed, was still a great learning experience nonetheless.

  • I've also started streaming Art on Twitch and will continue after New Year's!

And that closes out this year!

2023 - Planning

As for the new year? I hope to keep on improving my art and animation so that I can make the stories I've always wanted to. I have a tentative checklist for the New Year:

  • Draw more Original Art - I only recently noticed how little of my art (minus Inktober) was mostly just fan-art. I hope to add a better mix of original art and fan-art for next year.

  • Work on improving my artwork - I think I have a grasp on what I'm lacking, so I plan to focus on both bettering my art/animation skill, and my understanding of the two.

  • Work on/Properly flesh out some stories - I sure hope I'm not the only one who has a 'graveyard' of ideas in a folder hidden somewhere right? I'm gonna dust those off and start working on them.

  • Stream more on Twitch - Streaming on Twitch has actually been pretty helpful to me, it lets me be more confident in streaming/showing my art. It also helps me get into the habit of drawing more often and I think I've gotten a little faster.

  • Getting more involved with the Newgrounds community - I've been pretty bad with this one. I'll try to be more attentive to community events that go on and meet some new folks!

Thanks for listening to me ramble,

I hope the holidays have treated everyone well and I wish all of us the best of luck for the new year!



Posted by Blaznthekid - June 2nd, 2022

Whew, the last couple weeks were hectic; a lot happened that I want to consolidate it all here.

First, I managed to finish my Senior Capstone project at the end of May; the narration was done by LuckyDee, who I can't thank enough, as well as Acxle for the use of their song Forget. I wanted to make an uplifting project about how it feels to be lost until you find that one thing that sparks your drive and passion, something that I have struggled with time and time again. I was surprised when I heard that I had gotten the Daily 3rd and even more surprised that my animation got frontpaged! I want to thank everyone who had enjoyed it and found the message inspiring, it means a lot to me.

Second, I want to welcome the new fans who followed recently and celebrate reaching 30 fans! I hope you enjoy the projects and art I make in the future, and I swear that I'll make more of something.

And lastly, as of today I've graduated college with a Bachelor's in Graphic Design. Now I gotta figure out what I'm going to do from here on out.


Take Care Everyone!



Posted by Blaznthekid - April 3rd, 2021

Finally made enough time for myself to start putting things up here. It's been a while since I've uploaded anything but planning to change that real soon. Looking forward to being more active around here.
